MILOS participates in the 2016 ÖTILLÖ Swimrun Series

The ÖTILLÖ swimrun series ( is one of the toughest one-day races in the world and is quickly spreading around the globe. Started in 2006, it consists of teams of two that alternate between trail running and open water swimming.
Thanks to its success, there’s an increasing demand for swimrun races around the world.  To satisfy this demand, a whole new set of races called the ÖTILLÖ Swimrun World Series have been launched. In 2016, around 1,500 athletes will be competing in five qualifying races for the series - Utö in Sweden, Engadin in the Swiss Alps, Hvar in Croatia, Isles of Scilly in the UK and 1000 Lakes in Germany (Mecklenburger Seenplatte).
MILOS truss was used to construct the important finish line gate for this year’s ÖTILLÖ world series, which traveled to all events around Europe and was a welcome site for each and every competitor at the end of the grueling race.
The 5 m wide x 3.5 m high structure has a 3 m x 2.5 m opening for competitors and features three banners.  MILOS QTV truss was chosen for this structure due to its strength and the durability required for frequent set-ups, tear downs and transport.  Designed to stand without the need for guy wires, it uses MILOS multicube connectors instead of standard corners to achieve a maximum overall length of all elements is 1,500 mm, so it easily fits into a small transport van.
The last race of the series will be the ÖTILLÖ SWIMRUN SPRINT 1000 LAKES, which will take place on Saturday, October 22th in Germany.  
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