Name-days Explained -Roman

Name-days Explained -Roman
Name-days are eagerly anticipated events in the Czech calendar
Name-days are eagerly anticipated events in the Czech calendar. Although the custom is widespread in Catholic and Orthodox countries in both Europe and Latin America (and is often more popular than birthdays), in other countries the celebration is largely unknown. For this reason, MILOS would like to introduce you to the Name-day.
Every month, we will select an employee and tell you more about the origin of the name as well as looking at their job specifications. This month is the turn of Roman, who celebrates his name-day on the 9th of August.
The name Roman was one of the most popular in Czech names, especially at the end of the last century. Roman has its origin in Latin. The name is translated from the Latin designation “romanus” meaning “Roman.”
Versions in other languages include, Romain in France, Romano in Italy, and Román in Spain.
From our production hall we have selected MILOS employees: Roman Liška, Roman Buček, Roman Munzig, and Roman Papež.
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